Smart Travel | APM32F103xC Series Automotive Dashboard Solution

May 11, 2021 Automotive

 In late 2020, the worldwide car industry saw a consistent comeback, mainly fueled by the swift recovery of the Chinese automotive market. This increased demand for chips, coinciding with a worsening global semiconductor shortage, resulted in a significant deficit in MCUs. In China, reliance on imported automotive chips reached 95%. The 2021 automotive chip supply crisis caused an estimated shortage of 7 billion chips, leading to a market gap of $5.5 billion.


To meet market needs, Geehy has introduced the APM32F103xC series of industrial-grade enhanced MCUs. Specifically designed for the automotive market, these MCUs offer a secure and reliable solution, supporting the sector's sustained growth.



Powerful Processing Empowers Efficient Operation

The APM32F103xC, featuring the Arm® Cortex®-M3 core, runs at 96MHz. It remains stable in temperatures from -40°C to +105°C, ensuring reliable operation in various environments. This caters to industrial needs and ensures safety and stability for automotive applications.


Abundant Peripherals Support Diverse Communication

The MCU offers ample peripherals, featuring dual CAN communication interfaces compliant with 2.0A/2.0B (active) specifications, achieving a 1Mbit/s communication speed. Simultaneous USB and CAN interface operation ensures dependable real-time communication. With up to 80 I/O ports, it can control numerous indicator lights. The built-in SPI module maintains stable refresh rates, preventing screen freeze problems.

Multiple Operating Systems Meet Smart Development Needs

The MCU has sleep, stop, and standby low-power modes, extending power usage life for energy-saving and emission reduction. It works with ucos and freeRTOS operating systems for multitasking. The EMMC module, with SMC static storage controller and DMC dynamic storage controller, supports graphical interface design, accurately displaying real-time data for intelligent automotive dashboard development.